The Pyramids & Cost Analytics

Probably every company follows the product profitability, but our tool goes way beyond in providing data intelligence about the customers, industry, and products. It offers the functionality to explore every single product that you produce and every single customer you transact with finding the opportunities with maximum return from optimum inputs. We offer to map every single transaction and cost movement to provide product and customer scorecard including its margins, absolute profitability, volumes and alike. We build tools for the production and engineering team as well to map the various components of cost movements to alarm them isolating priority items.

We strongly encourage leadership team to focus on certain products to identify the actions as an output of this analysis. And trust us, every single case unfurls the dimensions that have far reaching consequences for operating the business. Some of the ways the output of this tool can be used are price negotiations on certain bleeding products, trimming down the product lines, re-engineering of the products, pushing the best products in other industries, substitution of products, etc.

Besides, we also offer the minimum volume or break-even analysis and volume pricing options should your business operate in this segment of industries or you are considering capital investment in machines. Alternatively, if your current cost capture data allows, the functionality can be built in the pyramid itself.  Let us honestly suggest, a mere pricing suggestion for the sales team in quoting can ease their life and free-up their time to focus more on strategic business development activities.